Creative Soccer Culture

NUFC | 2015/16 Matchday Programmes

As teams go to battle on the pitch, there is more and more being done behind the scenes to ensure the creative delivery is at its peak too. Newcastle United, have something to celebrate in the shape of this seasons matchday programme.

Inspired by designs from their archive, it's something we've seen other clubs do, notably Nottingham Forest and Bournemouth. Other clubs such as Plymough Argyle have also got in on the act. The work of Newcastle United is top drawer in recreating these treasured gems.

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The match day programme is part of a legacy that football has passed down from generation to generation. With digital media leading the charge in a contemporary world, there are constant question marks over the value of the programme in it's traditional form. This is when the challenge is embraced by those clubs that dare to break the mould. Think differently, create something beautiful, that fans can be proud of. It is, after all, a direct relationship between top brass, players and the fans - a vital medium.

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Time for more clubs to not simply settle. Go for the jugular - vinyl has never been more appreciated than now. Something that the world of football is no doubt coming to realise. Hats off to Newcastle, a perfect way to welcome in a much needed win.

Getting good with the programme? What's your club doing? Let us know in the comments below.


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